среда, 3 июля 2024 г.

Sudan’s cocktail of war and flooding leaves people trapped, unable to flee

Sudanese women find shelter at the Aboutengue refugee camp in eastern Chad.
© UNHCR/Levon Sevunts
Sudanese women find shelter at the Aboutengue refugee camp in eastern Chad.

7 hours ago 
Humanitarian Aid

Millions of people have been forced out of Sudan as the brutal civil war continues to spread, including in Sinja Town, south of the capital Khartoum, where UN humanitarians reported on Tuesday that more than 55,000 people have already fled.

To provide lifesaving aid to those forced out of Sudan, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), revised its original $1.4 billion appeal to $1.5 billion.

Ewan Watson, Head of Global Communications at the UN agency, said that the funding would assist and protect up to 3.3 million people forced to flee the violence and “near-famine conditions”, for the next six months.

Horrific though that is, it is not just about famine, it’s about brutal human rights violations, it’s about floods that are expected to be the worst in many years this year, and that not only hampers the delivery of humanitarian aid, but it means that people are trapped where they are with little aid and not able to flee.”

A woman and her daughter are among some 180,000 Sudanese refugees awaiting relocation from the border area in eastern Chad.
© UNHCR/Levon Sevunts
A woman and her daughter are among some 180,000 Sudanese refugees awaiting relocation from the border area in eastern Chad.

Fleeing a brutal war

The war in Sudan began 14 months ago when rival militaries the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) clashed following rising tensions linked to a transition to civilian rule.

According to UNHCR, thousands leave Sudan “every day, fleeing brutal violence and abuse, death, disrupted services, limited access to humanitarian aid” in addition to looming famine.

Looting and lawlessness

Echoing those concerns, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humaitarian Affairs (OCHA), said that tens of thousands of people had been displaced in recent days following clashes between the SAF and RSF in Sinja, in the southeastern state of Sennar.

There are reports that armed men ransacked and looted homes and shops and occupied government buildings,” said spokesperson Vanessa Hugenin.

She highlighted additional insecurity in Abu Hujar and nearby Ad Dali, noting that the vast majority of those uprooted by the violence were moving east toward neighbouring Gedaref State.

“We and our humanitarian partners in Gedaref are preparing for the arrival of people displaced by the clashes in Sinja, with enough food and nutrition supplies on hand to meet the needs of tens of thousands of people,” she said.

Many families have fled to the relative safety of Port Sudan.
© WFP/Abubakar Garelnabei
Many families have fled to the relative safety of Port Sudan.

Forced to cut rations

With additional funding, UNHCR plans to bolster assistance to refugees and host communities in Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, South Sudan and Uganda.

Only 19 per cent of the required funds for UNHCR’s refugee response have been received thus far, meaning that food rations have had to be “drastically cut”, Mr. Watson said.

For instance, in the Central African Republic, 24,000 refugees “remain without any form of humanitarian aid”, while 180,000 new arrivals in Chad are still waiting to be relocated away from border areas, he noted.

In Egypt, nearly 75,000 refugee children are not enrolled in school, while in South Sudan, refugee camps and settlements are severely overcrowded.

“Neighbouring countries have shown great solidarity in welcoming those fleeing the war, but services in host communities remain overstretched, making it extremely difficult for refugees to settle, make a living and rebuild their lives,” said Mr. Watson.

Since the conflict started, 10 million people have fled their homes in Sudan, with many displaced multiple times in search of safety. Of these, nearly two million people have arrived in neighbouring countries, with 7.7 million newly internally displaced and 220,000 refugees who have self-relocated within the country.



Gaza is a ‘maelstrom of human misery’

Over 330,000 tonnes of waste have accumulated in or near populated areas across Gaza, posing catastrophic environmental and health risks.
Over 330,000 tonnes of waste have accumulated in or near populated areas across Gaza, posing catastrophic environmental and health risks.

2 July 2024 

Peace and Security

With their homes shattered and lives upended by war, civilians in Gaza are clinging to their dignity under the most inhumane conditions, Sigrid Kaag, the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator, said on Tuesday.

Public services have collapsed and over 1.9 million have now been displaced, she told ambassadors at the Security Council, underscoring the critical need for a full, immediate and complete ceasefire, release of all hostages and unhindered aid across the enclave.

The war has not merely created a humanitarian crisis, it has unleashed a maelstrom of human misery,” she stated.

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International humanitarian and human rights laws must be respected by all, Ms. Kaag stressed.

Protection of civilians remains the paramount priority ... UNRWA must be allowed to deliver on its mandated role.”

Key political engagement

Ms. Kaag briefed Council members of her continued engagement with Government stakeholders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and key cabinet ministers.

She said that Prime Minister Netanyahu has made commitments to expedite the delivery of essential supplies for water, sanitation, waste management, and medical and educational needs.  

She added that there has also been an increase in the volume of commercial cargo entering Gaza, “albeit irregularly”.  

“We are in discussion to ensure commercial supplies are in line with the immediate needs of the population,” she added.

Framework for aid delivery

Ms. Kaag further noted that Security Council resolution 2720 (2023), which set up the mandate of the Senior Coordinator, established a framework to expedite, streamline and accelerate the delivery of humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza.

“As expected, this has been fraught with challenges,” she said, underscoring the importance of political will, alongside the enabling environment and conditions on the ground.

She updated ambassadors on progress towards the establishment of a Mechanism for monitoring and verification of humanitarian assistance, noting that UN monitors are preparing to deploy to its newly set up offices in Gaza.

“The Mechanism will also serve as the main platform to facilitate entry into Gaza of all critical humanitarian items, consolidating existing practices, further to the intent of the resolution,” she said, urging UN Member States to continue to preposition supplies and to allocate financing to aid agencies.

Senior Coordinator Sigrid Kaag briefing the Security Council.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías
Senior Coordinator Sigrid Kaag briefing the Security Council.

Options are also discussed on the feasibility and longer-term planning of the Cyprus Maritime Corridor with direct access to Gaza, she added.

Planning for reconstruction

Ms. Kaag emphasized that while humanitarian assistance will be required “for years to come”, planning and preparing for early recovery and reconstruction is equally important, urging Council members to consider immediate actions that complement and support the humanitarian response.

We cannot ask Palestinian civilians to put their future on hold while they cling to their human dignity under inhumane conditions,” she said.

The Senior Coordinator also highlighted that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has a critical role in Gaza, integral to the enclave’s recovery and reconstruction, and urged the international community to ensure the PA’s financial stability and support its reform, governance, and other capacities necessary to reassume its responsibilities.

Senior Coordinator Kaag briefing the Security Council



вторник, 2 июля 2024 г.

Демократическая партия намерена выдвинуть Байдена кандидатом в президенты в июле

Москва. 2 июля. 

 Национальный комитет Демократической партии США рассматривает возможность официального выдвижения кандидатуры президента Джо Байдена на пост главы государства на ноябрьских выборах уже в середине июля, то есть до партийного съезда в августе, сообщило агентство Bloomberg со ссылкой на источники.

"По словам источников, знакомых с этим вопросом, (...) потенциальная дата выдвижения Байдена - 21 июля, когда состоится виртуальное заседание мандатной комиссии съезда Демократической партии", - говорится в сообщении.

В нем отмечается, что этот шаг направлен на то, чтобы "гарантировать, что президент будет включен в ноябрьские бюллетени, а также поможет пресечь внутрипартийные разговоры о его замене после неудачных дебатов на прошлой неделе".

Это позволит партии "еще больше сплотиться вокруг своего кандидата, даже несмотря на то, что инсайдеры призывают его уступить место другому", считает агентство.

Действующий президент набрал около 99% голосов делегатов от своей партии на праймериз 2024 года, что "обеспечило ему огромное влияние на партийный истеблишмент".

Как накануне сообщил CNN, "более двух десятков высокопоставленных чиновников-демократов, политических деятелей и доноров, связанных с Байденом и многими другими людьми, которых чаще всего рассматривают в качестве потенциальных замен Байдену, (...) говорят, что их пугает почти каждый сценарий: выдвижение Байдена, выдвижение (вице-президента - ИФ) Камалы Харрис, выдвижение кого-то другого".

Bloomberg напоминает, что Байден провел выходные, участвуя в предвыборной кампании по сбору средств в Нью-Йорке и Нью-Джерси, заверяя доноров, что он готов баллотироваться на второй срок.....



Венгрия намерена ускорить вступление Сербии в ЕС

26 ИЮН, 14:34
Министр иностранных дел и внешнеэкономических связей республики Петер Сийярто отметил, что скорейшее вступление балканских стран в Евросоюз отвечает не только политическим, но и экономическим интересам сообщества

БУДАПЕШТ, 26 июня. 

Венгрия намерена ускорить процесс вступления Сербии в Евросоюз во время своего председательства в Совете ЕС, которое начнется 1 июля. Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел и внешнеэкономических связей Венгрии Петер Сийярто, выступая на конференции по Западным Балканам в Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР) в Париже.

Он отметил, что Венгрия определила в качестве одного из приоритетов своего председательства переговоры с государствами Западных Балкан об их присоединении к ЕС. "Мы хотели бы провести межправительственные конференции со всеми пятью западнобалканскими кандидатами, открыть новые разделы для вступления с Сербией, закрыть по крайней мере семь глав на переговорах с Черногорией, а также открыть первые главы с Албанией", - сказал руководитель венгерского МИД, выступление которого транслировал телеканал М1.

Сийярто подчеркнул, что скорейшее вступление этих стран в ЕС отвечает не только политическим, но и экономическим интересам сообщества. В подтверждение этого он сообщил, что объем венгерских инвестиций в регионе достиг 2,5 млрд евро, а товарооборот со странами Западных Балкан увеличился с 2010 года в 4 раза и превысил 7 млрд евро.

Правительство Венгрии уже неоднократно заявляло о необходимости ускорить процесс присоединения к ЕС государств Западных Балкан, которые ждут своей очереди 15 лет. Будапешт поддерживает их прием, поскольку считает, что "без этого региона ЕС не может чувствовать себя полноценным" европейским объединением. Как отмечал Сийярто, их вступление "придаст новую энергию и импульс", которые сегодня столь необходимы Евросоюзу.

Пять стран Западных Балкан - Албания, Босния и Герцеговина, Северная Македония, Черногория и Сербия - имеют статус официальных кандидатов на вступление в ЕС. Заявка на присоединение к сообществу была также подана самопровозглашенным Косовом.



World News in Brief: UN responds to Bangladesh floods, sports and human rights, polio vaccination in Angola

Heavy monsoon rains have caused severe floods in northeastern Bangladesh.
© WFP/Nihab Rahman
Heavy monsoon rains have caused severe floods in northeastern Bangladesh.

1 July 2024 
Humanitarian Aid

The UN emergency food relief agency is providing vital assistance to communities affected by the severe flooding in northeast Bangladesh, the agency said on Monday.

About 1.4 million people are estimated to have been left in dire straits, as heavy rains lashed Sylhet and Sunamganj districts, as well as areas upstream, in India.

“Our priority is to ensure that the most vulnerable families, who were already facing hardships and are now having their lives and livelihoods upended again by the floods, can meet their essential food and nutritional needs,” said Simone Parchment, UN World Food Programme (WFP) Bangladesh Deputy Country Director.

The agency’s field office in Sylhet, is supporting Government-led relief efforts, distributing fortified biscuits to over 23,000 families to help them meet their immediate needs.

WFP also plans to provide cash assistance to these 23,000 and an additional 48,000 households it pre-identified as part of its preparedness efforts.

Further heavy rains are forecast in the affected regions and adjoining catchment areas over the coming days, which could worsen the flood situation, according to reports.

World of sports is not immune from human rights challenges: UN rights chief

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Despite the sporting ideal of equality and fair opportunities, athletes encounter many forms of rights violations and abuses, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk warned on Monday.  

Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, just weeks from the beginning of the Paris 2024 Olympics, Mr. Türk insisted that “mega sporting events” with “enormous” reach such as the football World Cup, and the Olympic and Paralympic games should serve as platforms to advocate against inequalities.

“The world of sports is not immune from human rights challenges, including when mega events are organized. And some worrying issues are more visible than others,” Mr. Türk said.

Among these issues, Mr. Türk highlighted racist or sexist incidents, abuse, violence against women, corruption, discrimination on the basis of religion or religious attire, disability, nationality, or sexual orientation and gender identity.

Mr. Türk welcomed the decision of some businesses in the sports world to align their practices with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

He said that human rights policies and grievance mechanisms are increasingly being included in large-scale sport events, referring to a case in Spain where football fans were punished for racially abusing the Brazilian forward Vinicius Junior.

WHO supports vaccination campaign in Angola

In health news, authorities in Angola, supported by UN agencies, have initiated a vaccination campaign to curb the spread of polio and protect children from childhood paralysis.

Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus that invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis within hours. While there is no cure for polio, it can be prevented through vaccination.

According to the UN World Health Organization (WHO), which is supporting the Government, the central objective of the campaign is to increase the immunity of children under five to quickly interrupt the virus’s transmission in the country.

The programme aims to achieve at least 95 percent vaccination coverage in all districts, identify suspected cases, and raise awareness of routine vaccination.

Vaccination teams will go from house to house to ensure that no child is left unvaccinated, and fixed posts will be available in highly populated areas.

The first round of the vaccination campaign in May 2024 successfully vaccinated over 5.5 million children across the country, covering the entire target group at risk.

In the second round of the vaccination campaign, as in previous initiatives, vaccination teams will continue their house-to-house efforts, and fixed posts will be available in health facilities, markets, churches, schools, nurseries, and other places of high population concentration, WHO said



Haiti: Violence displaces one child every minute, reports UNICEF

A mother sits with her children in an IDP site in Léogâne, on the outskirts of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.
© UNICEF/Maxime Le Lijour
A mother sits with her children in an IDP site in Léogâne, on the outskirts of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.

1 hour ago 

Peace and Security

Continued violence and instability in Haiti has resulted in the displacement of over 300,000 children, with an estimated one child being displaced every minute since March, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Tuesday.

Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director, highlighted the horrific impact of violence on children and adolescents.

“The humanitarian catastrophe unfolding before our eyes is taking a devastating toll on children. Displaced children are in desperate need of a safe and protective environment, and increased support and funding from the international community,” she said.

Across the country, an estimated three million children are in need of humanitarian assistance, against a backdrop of years of political turmoil, widespread poverty, rampant disease and multiple disasters.

Facing heightened risks

Displaced children in Haiti face heightened risks of violence, including sexual assault, exploitation, abuse and family separation. Their access to essential services such as safe spaces, healthcare, and clean water and sanitation is severely disrupted.

Poor hygiene conditions in camps and makeshift settlements increase their susceptibility to diseases like cholera, while school closures and economic constraints driven by the violence have forced many children to abandon their education.

Furthermore, with few other means of survival or protection, children are increasingly forced to join armed groups – a clear violation of their rights and a breach of international law, UNICEF stressed.

Dangers continue to grow

Compounding these challenges, devastating hazards wreaking havoc across the country.

Haiti’s National Emergency Operations Center has warned of a “hyperactive” cyclone season, further threatening the already vulnerable displaced population. Last month, a tornado in Bassin Bleu, Northwest Department, destroyed the homes of 650 children.

The crippled healthcare system that was barely able to cope with demand before the latest escalation of violence will have to contend with a rainy season that is expected to continue to worsen the situation, threatening to spike water-borne diseases, UNICEF warned.

“The needs in Haiti continue to grow, alongside the dangers for children,” Ms. Russell said, adding that everyone has a role to play to change the trajectory, and ensure that children are protected, have education and can access basic services.

Children should not be paying with their lives and their futures for a crisis created by adults,” she said.



Sudan: UN food convoy attacked, supplies looted amid worsening crisis

A WFP food convoy prepares for departure in Sudan. (file)
A WFP food convoy prepares for departure in Sudan. (file)

1 July 2024

 Humanitarian Aid

Unidentified armed men in Sudan on Sunday attacked UN World Food Programme (WFP) trucks carrying food assistance meant for thousands of civilians in need in central Darfur, the agency reported. 

Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the top UN humanitarian official for Sudan expressed “outrage” at the incident.

“The aid looted from a WFP convoy in Central Darfur will no longer go to the most vulnerable people in need,” she said in a post on X, formerly Twitter. 

In a separate post, WFP called on authorities to ensure the perpetrators are held accountable, stressing that “the safe delivery of supplies must be guaranteed by all.”

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Alarming situation

The attack comes against the backdrop of a worsening humanitarian crisis, driven by the ongoing war in Sudan between rival militaries that has left the country teetering on the brink of famine. 

More than half of the population, around 26 million people, are staring at “crisis levels” of hunger and almost 9.4 million people have been driven from their homes, including about 1.9 million into neighbouring countries.

The situation is particularly concerning in the Darfur region, which has seen intense fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

According to UN humanitarians, the lives of 800,000 people “are hanging in the balance” as fighting rages densely populated areas in the provincial capital El Fasher, causing widespread and long-term harm to civilians and severely disrupting the essential services they depend on.

Funding required ‘urgently’

For their part, UN agencies continue to deliver aid and protection to millions in need, despite significant challenges and insecurity.

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) together with its partners, for instance, supplied children and their families with safe drinking water, health services and screening for malnutrition. 

WFP also scaled up its emergency response to curtail the hunger crisis, more than doubling the number of people targeted for assistance in 2024 to 8.7 million.

However, agencies report the need for additional funding alongside unfettered access to avert famine in the lean season that has now started.

As of 24 June 2024, the $2.7 billion 2024 Sudan Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, which aims to provide life-saving assistance to 14.7 million people across the country, is only 16.6 per cent funded, with $447.4 million received.



UN pushes for inclusive future in Afghanistan at Doha talks

Women and girls across Afghanistan face multiple restrictions, including education and employment.
© UN Women/Sayed Habib Bidell
Women and girls across Afghanistan face multiple restrictions, including education and employment.

1 July 2024
 Peace and Security

UN-led efforts to nudge Afghanistan towards a more peaceful and inclusive future with a more equal role for women and girls continued Monday at international talks, which for the first time included the Taliban de facto authorities.

Speaking in the Qatari capital, Doha, after the Third Meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan, UN political chief Rosemary DiCarlo expressed deep concern over the situation of women and girls in the country.

“Running through all the discussions was the deep international concern – from special envoys and from me – about the ongoing and serious restrictions on women and girls,” she stated.

Afghanistan cannot return to the international fold, or fully develop economically and socially, if it is deprived of the contributions and potential of half its population,” asserted Ms. DiCarlo, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.

The consultations follow talks in May 2023 and February 2024. They build upon the proposals outlined in an independent review on an integrated and coherent approach conducted by Feridun Sinirlioğlu, in line with Security Council resolution 2679.

Focused discussions with Afghan women and civil society are scheduled to take place on Tuesday.

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Civil society’s ‘rightful role’

Ms. DiCarlo further stressed that the concerns and views of Afghan women and civil society remain “front and center”.  

For the United Nations, the meaningful inclusion of women in political and peace processes is a guiding principle,” she said.

“And while women and civil society were not sitting across the table from the de facto authorities the last two days, they made their voices heard. Civil society has a rightful role to play in shaping Afghanistan’s future,” she asserted.

‘Heartbreaking’ ban

Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021, women and girls have faced systemic discrimination, including a ban on girls’ education.

That ban is “heartbreaking”, Ms. DiCarlo maintained.

“If you prevent half the population from education, from being involved in the economy and various professions, it just means that it delays the develop of Afghanistan,” Ms. DiCarlo replied to one woman reporter.  

Just imagine if you were only allowed to go through sixth grade, you would not be sitting here being a journalist, I would not be here being a UN official. [It is] heartbreaking frankly but let us see and let us keep at it, that is all I can say. We have to make clear how important is and how it is going to be better for Afghanistan.”

A tough choice

She explained that in organizing the meeting, the UN “faced a very tough, maybe impossible, choice”, aiming to bring the Taliban and the special envoys together for direct talks.

“Regrettably, the de facto authorities will not sit across the table with Afghan civil society in this format. But they heard very clearly the need to include women and civil society in all aspects of public life,” she said.

Engagement is not recognition

She further emphasized that the meeting and process of engagement “does not mean normalization or recognition” of the Taliban de facto authorities.

Ms. DiCarlo expressed hope that the exchanges on the various issues during the meeting “moved us a little closer” to resolving some of the problems devastating the Afghan people.

“To conclude, I would like to reiterate the United Nations commitment to continue to support this process of principled engagement for the benefit of all Afghans,” she said.



понедельник, 1 июля 2024 г.

Правая партия "Национальное объединение" лидирует в первом туре внеочередных парламентских выборов во Франции

ПАРИЖ, 30 июня. 

Правая партия "Национальное объединение" лидирует в первом туре внеочередных парламентских выборов во Франции. Об этом свидетельствуют предварительные данные, которые сообщил телеканал BFMTV.

Так, "Национальное объединение" получает 33%, левый альянс "Новый народный фронт" - 28,5%. Президентская коалиция "Вместе за республику" набрала 22%.

Согласно данным социологической службы Elabe, "Национальное объединение" может после второго тура получить в Национальном собрании (нижней палате парламента Франции) от 260 до 310 мест, "Новый народный фронт" - от 115 до 145 мест, а "Вместе за республику" - от 90 до 120 мест.

Пока ни одна из партий не получила абсолютного большинства голосов. Определяющим станет второй тур выборов, который пройдет 7 июля. Аналитики не исключают договоренностей между президентской коалицией и левым "Новым народным фронтом", чтобы помешать избранию кандидатов от "Национального объединения".

Согласно данным МВД страны, явка в первом туре выборов по состоянию на 17:00 (18:00 мск) составила 59,39%. В ходе первого тура предыдущих выборов в 2022 году явка за аналогичный период составила 39,42%. И если тогда СМИ писали о рекордно низкой явке, то сейчас наблюдается тенденция к существенному превышению показателей последних десятилетий.

Заморские территории

Согласно предварительным результатам, голосование во Французской Полинезии позволило выявить победителя в первом избирательном округе в первом же туре. Им стал молодой правоцентрист Моэрани Фребо, баллотировавшийся в рамках сводного списка партий, выступающих за увеличение автономии этой островной территории. Фребо, пообещавший переехать в метрополию для исполнения своего мандата, станет первым представителем коренной народности Маркизских островов во французском парламенте.

В остальных избирательных округах и на других территориях кандидатам потребуется второй тур, чтобы выявить победителя. На Мартинике (остров в Карибском море) с большим отрывом лидируют представители левого "Нового народного фронта". Однако, несмотря на их вероятную победу во втором туре, Agence France-Presse отмечает серьезное укрепление позиций правой партии "Национальное объединение", чей кандидат во втором округе получил рекордные для партии 10,5% и вышел во второй тур.

Кроме того, два кандидата от "Национального объединения" вышли во второй тур выборов в Гваделупе, хотя в их округах на первых местах представители левого "Нового народного фронта" и группы независимых депутатов и представителей заморских территорий Франции (LIOT) соответственно. В заморском сообществе Франции Сен-Пьер и Микелон по итогам первого тура выборов лидирует кандидат от правоцентристов.

Пополам разделились симпатии жителей Новой Каледонии. В первом избирательном округе, куда входит столичный регион Нумеи и несколько островов, с небольшим отрывом победил лоялист Николя Метцдорф, выступавший ранее докладчиком по скандальному законопроекту об изменении избирательных списков, который спровоцировал на этой заморской территории массовые беспорядки. За него проголосовали 39,81% избирателей, тогда как его ближайший конкурент - сторонница независимости от Франции Омайра Несселин получила 36,3%, и они оба вышли во второй тур. Во втором избирательном округе, который охватывает все остальные территории главного острова, с более заметным отрывом на первом месте оказался сторонник независимости Эмманюэль Тжибау (44,1%), во второй тур с ним вышел представитель коалиции "Лоялистов" Альсид Понга (36,2% голосов).

Досрочные выборы

9 июня президент Франции Эмманюэль Макрон принял решение распустить Национальное собрание на фоне поражения своих сторонников на выборах в Европарламент. Оппозиционная правая партия "Национальное объединение" получила более 31% голосов, а президентская партия оказалась на втором месте с 14,6%. В последний раз нижняя палата парламента распускалась президентом Жаком Шираком в 1997 году.



РФ на месяц стала председателем Совбеза ООН

Завершился период председательства Южной Кореи в Совете Безопасности ООН. С 1 июля эта роль перешла России. Председательство в Совбезе передается от одной страны к другой каждый месяц.

Россия запланировала на время председательства три ключевых мероприятия, сообщал постпред РФ при ООН Василий Небензя «РИА Новости». Одним из них станут открытые дебаты по многостороннему сотрудничеству для построения более справедливого, демократического и устойчивого миропорядка. Заседание запланировано на 16 июля.

На следующий день, 17 июля, состоятся открытые дебаты по урегулированию на Ближнем Востоке. Оба мероприятия, как ожидается, пройдут под председательством министра иностранных дел России Сергея Лаврова. На 19 июля запланированы дебаты по сотрудничеству ООН с ОДКБ, СНГ и ШОС. Господин Небензя говорил, что во время российского председательства в рамках Совбеза могут обсудить атаку с использованием ATACMS по пляжу в Севастополе.

"РФ на месяц стала председателем Совбеза ООН – Коммерсантъ" https://www.kommersant.ru/amp/6794239
