вторник, 31 июля 2018 г.

Юг и Север обсуждают вопросы снижения напряжённости

2018-07-31   13:36:26

Photo : YONHAP News

Во вторник в пограничном пункте Пханмунчжом проходят межкорейские переговоры на уровне генералов. Делегации Юга и Севера встречаются в Доме мира, находящемся в южной части демилитаризованной зоны. 

Перед началом переговоров глава южнокорейской делегации генерал-майор Ким До Гюн выразил надежду на то, что сторонам удастся согласовать практические меры по снижению военной напряжённости и установлению доверия. 

Как полагают эксперты, в ходе переговоров затрагиваются вопросы демилитаризации Объединённой зоны безопасности в Пханмунчжоме, возможность отвода пограничников со сторожевых постов, совместные поиски останков погибших военнослужащих в пределах демилитаризованной зоны. 

Учитывая, что предложение о проведении встречи внёс Север, на переговорах может быть затронут вопрос объявления об официальном окончании Корейской войны.


31 июля военные Юга и Севера проведут переговоры на генеральском уровне

2018-07-27   12:39:13

Photo : YONHAP News

Военные Юга и Севера договорились провести 31 июля в пограничном пункте Пханмунчжом девятую по счёту встречу на генеральском уровне. Соответствующее предложение озвучила северокорейская сторона. 

Ожидается, что в ходе переговоров будут затронуты вопросы демилитаризации Объединённой зоны безопасности в Пханмунчжоме, возможность отвода пограничников со сторожевых постов и военного оборудования, совместные поиски останков погибших военнослужащих в пределах демилитаризованной зоны. 

Южнокорейская сторона, как стало известно, намерена предложить прекратить какие-либо враждебные действия в пределах северной разграничительной линии, чтобы создать там «зону мира». Учитывая, что предложение о проведении встречи внёс Север, на переговорах может быть затронут вопрос объявления об официальном окончании Корейской войны. 

Южнокорейскую делегацию из пяти человек, возглавит начальник отдела министерства обороны по вопросам КНДР генерал-майор Ким До Гюн. Делегацию Севера также из пяти человек возглавит генерал-лейтенант Ан Ик Сан.


Миссия ОБСЕ в Донбассе зафиксировала огонь по своему беспилотнику

22:51  30.07.2018

© РИА Новости / Сергей Аверин

ВЕНА, 30 июл – РИА Новости. Специальная мониторинговая миссия (СММ) ОБСЕ на Украине зафиксировала стрелковый огонь в направлении своего беспилотника в Донбассе, говорится в ежедневном отчете СММ.

"Двадцать восьмого июля, находясь примерно в 3 километрах восточнее Чернухино (неподконтрольная правительству территория, в 64 километрах юго-восточнее Луганска) и управляя беспилотным летательным аппаратом, СММ услышала четыре выстрела из стрелкового оружия в 600 метрах юго-восточнее своей позиции, оценив, что они были направлены на БПЛА. СММ посадила БПЛА и безопасно покинула территорию", — говорится в отчете миссии от 29 июля


Local aid workers in Syria are the ‘backbone of response’, says top UN official, urging better protection as fighting rages

OCHA Syria
Gate of Najha Shelter for internally displaced persons (IDPs) from East Ghouta, Syria.

30 July 2018
Humanitarian Aid

Delivering life-saving assistance to millions of women, children and men in Syria, local aid workers need to be safer and better protected, said the top United Nations humanitarian official in the country on Monday.

“Syrian aid workers risk their lives on a daily basis and work tirelessly to provide life-saving assistance to fellow Syrians in need in accordance with humanitarian principles,” said Panos Moumtzis, Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis.

“All parties to the conflict in Syria are obliged under international humanitarian and human rights law to respect and protect humanitarian workers and other civilians,” he added.

As lines of control shift between pro-Government troops and an array of opposition forces, aid workers, who are focused on helping civilians in need, face a greater risk of arrest and detention.

According to reports, most humanitarian staff in the country’s south-west, where a Government-led offensive has been going on for weeks now, have stopped working with Syrian aid organizations, significantly impacting the response capacity at a time when they are needed most and “leaving a vacuum in their wake”.

“Syrian aid workers, including members of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, have paid the ultimate price, losing their lives in their efforts to help those in need,” continued Mr. Moumtzis, pointing out that their highly technical skills and operational knowledge make them “the backbone of the response effort”.

It’s critical all steps are taken to increase the protection of aid workers – Panos Moumtzis, Regional Humanitarian Coordinator

“It’s critical all steps are taken to increase the protection of aid workers and ensure the continuation of services in support of an effective sustainable humanitarian response to the people in need,” he stressed.

Syria is one of the most challenging and dangerous environments for humanitarians to operate in. Since the start of the crisis in Syria in March 2011, hundreds of humanitarian workers and service providers, including health workers, have been killed.

In line with the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and the imperative to save lives across Syria, humanitarian actors, are doing everything they can to reach some 13 million people in both government- and non-government-controlled areas — including approximately 6.5 million internally displaced.

The Syrian conflict continues to exact a terrible toll on the country’s civilians, having forced more than half of the population from their homes, and having displaced numerous people multiple times.


понедельник, 30 июля 2018 г.

Народная партия Камбоджи объявила о победе на выборах

29 июля 2018, 21:55

Народная партия Камбоджи объявила о победе на выборах в Национальную ассамблею страны. Об этом сообщает Reuters.

«Народная партия выиграла 80% всех голосов, и мы предполагаем, что получим не менее 100 мест», — рассказал пресс-секретарь партии Сок Эйсан, его цитирует СМИ.

Ранее сообщалось, что явка на выборах в парламент Камбоджи превысила 80%.

Голосовать за депутатов Национальной ассамблеи можно было на 23 тыс. избирательных участках. Всего в нижней палате парламента насчитывается 125 мест.


World Day against Trafficking in Persons 30 July

Sofia, Bulgaria. NGO Animus Crises Center and Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence. Credit: UNODC/Alessandro Scotti

“Human trafficking takes many forms and knows no borders. Human traffickers too often operate with impunity, with their crimes receiving not nearly enough attention. This must change.” — UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Human trafficking is a crime that exploits women, children and men for numerous purposes including forced labour and sex. The International Labour Organization estimates that 21 million people are victims of forced labour globally. This estimate also includes victims of human trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation. While it is not known how many of these victims were trafficked, the estimate implies that currently, there are millions of trafficking in persons victims in the world.

Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit, or destination for victims. Children make up almost a third of all human trafficking victims worldwide, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Additionally, women and girls comprise 71 per cent of human trafficking victims, the report states.

In 2010, the General Assembly adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons, urging Governments worldwide to take coordinated and consistent measures to defeat this scourge. The Plan calls for integrating the fight against human trafficking into the UN’s broader programmes in order to boost development and strengthen security worldwide. One of the crucial provisions in the Plan is the establishment of a UN Voluntary Trust Fund for victims of trafficking, especially women and children.

The Trust Fund facilitates effective, on-the-ground assistance and protection to victims of trafficking, through grants to specialized NGOs. In the coming years, it aims to prioritize victims coming from a context of armed conflict and those identified among large refugee and migration flows. It will also focus its assistance to victims trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation, organ removal, forced begging, forced criminality and emerging exploitative purposes (e.g. skin removal, online pornography).

In 2013, the General Assembly held a high-level meeting to appraise the Global Plan of Action. Member States also adopted resolution A/RES/68/192 and designated July 30 as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons. This resolution declared that such a day was necessary to “raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights.”

In September 2015, the world adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and embraced goals and targets on trafficking in persons. These goals call for an end to trafficking and violence against children; as well as the need for measures against human trafficking, and they strive for the elimination of all forms of violence against and exploitation of women and girls.

Another important development is the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants, which produced the groundbreaking New York Declaration. Of the nineteen commitments adopted by countries in the Declaration, three are dedicated to concrete action against the crimes of human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

‘Responding to the trafficking of children and young people’

This year, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has chosen ‘responding to the trafficking of children and young people’ as the focus of the World Day. This year’s campaign highlights the fact that almost a third of trafficking victims are children. The theme draws attention to the issues faced by trafficked children and to possible action initiatives linked to safeguarding and ensuring justice for child victims.


В Египте к смертной казни приговорены 75 человек, в том числе лидеры "Братьев- мусульман"

28 июля 2018

Правообладатель иллюстрацииAFPImage captionОбвиняемые наблюдали за судебным заседанием в Каире из-за решетки

Египетский суд приговорил к высшей мере наказания 75 человек за участие в волнениях, которые произошли в стране после отстранения от власти Мохаммеда Мурси в 2013 году.

Среди приговоренных к смерти - лидеры движения "Братья- мусульмане" Исам Арьян, Мохамед Балтаги, известные проповедники Сафат Хигази и Вагди Гонейм. Из 75 человек, приговоренных к казни, 44 находятся в тюрьме, а 31 человеку смертный приговор был вынесен заочно, сообщает Huffington post.

Всего по этому делу проходили 700 подсудимых.

Правозащитная организация "Международная амнистия" назвала судебный процесс чрезвычайно несправедливым, отметив, что он нарушает конституцию Египта.

Мохаммед Мурси, тесно связанный с исламистской организацией "Братья-мусульмане", находился у власти в стране около года.

В 2013 году он был свергнут в ходе военного переворота. Сторонники Мурси яростно протестовали: они вышли на многодневные демонстрации, установили палаточные городки в Каире и после их разгона провели "марш гнева" по всей стране.

Во многих городах страны произошли кровопролитные столкновения, в которых погибли более 600 человек.

"Братья-мусульмане" организовали вооруженное нападение на полицейское отделение - в перестрелке с боевиками погибли несколько десятков полицейских.

После этого новые власти Египта под руководством выигрывшего выборы Абдула-Фаттаха Сиси развернули преследования против "Братьев-мусульман": сотни членов этой организации были убиты, тысячи подверглись арестам.
В Египте убит прокурор, требовавший казни исламистов
Египет: дает ли революция карт-бланш?

В России организация "Братья-мусульмане" признана террористической и деятельность её на территории страны запрещена решением Верховного суда от 14 февраля 2003 года.

Смертный приговор, вынесенный 75 подсудимым в субботу 28 июля, будет передан верховному муфтию Египта, который даст совет о правомочности смертной казни. По египетским законам, мнение верховного муфтия в таких случаях спрашивают обязательно, но оно не имеет обязательной силы. На практике рекомендации верховного муфтия почти всегда исполняются.
Судьба фотографа

В заявлении "Международной амнистии" говорится, что хотя после гибели людей в массовых волнениях 2013 года было произведено более тысячи арестов, при этом египетские власти не провели должного разбирательства и не расследовали действия сил правопорядка, которые также принимали участие в столкновениях.

В числе подсудимых по этому делу - фотожурналист, лауреат всемирной премии ЮНЕСКО/Гильермо Кано за вклад в дело свободы печати Махмуд Абу Зейд, известный как Шокан.

В день кровопролитных беспорядков, 14 августа 2013 года, он был арестован, когда фотографировал протестующих. С тех пор он находится в тюрьме, ему предъявлены несколько обвинений.

Судьи перенесли рассмотрение его дела на воскресенье.
Череда приговоров

В июне 2014 года суд в Египте уже выносил смертные приговоры 183 членам движения "Братья-мусульмане" по делу о беспорядках 2013 года, однако позднее значительная часть вердиктов была отменена. Однако несколько исламистов были казнены.
Египетская революция пять лет спустя: что изменилось в Египте?

Был приговорен к смертной казни и экс-президент Мохаммед Мурси по уголовному делу об участии в массовых беспорядках и организации побега заключенных из тюрьмы во время восстания в 2011 году, но приговор был отменен кассационным судом.

Затем было отменено и его пожизненное заключение по уголовному делу в отшении Мурси по обвинению в шпионаже в пользу палестинской группировки ХАМАС.

В апреле 2015 года Мурси был приговорен к 20 годам тюрьмы за то, что отдал приказ об аресте и пытках протестующих во время своего президентства. С тех пор его движение "Братья-мусульмане" было вновь запрещено, а тысячи его членов - арестованы.

В сентябре 2016 года его приговорили еще к 25 годам тюрьмы по обвинениям в передаче секретных данных Катару. А в декабре 2017 года Морси получил еще три года за оскорбление правосудия.


Government and opposition must ‘respect the rule of law and human rights’ in Comoros, as referendum looms: Guterres

UNOAU/Edda Zekarias

Secretary-General António Guterres (right) addresses a peace and security in Africa session at the Second Annual AU-UN Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

29 July 2018
Peace and Security

The recent infringement of democratic rights and civil liberties in the Indian Ocean archipelago of the Comoros, ahead of a vote on constitutional reform, is a source of concern said United Nations chief António Guterres on Sunday.

In a statement issued by his Deputy Spokesperson in New York, the Secretary-General expressed his concern over “persisting restrictions of civil liberties and democratic rights in the run-up to the 30 July constitutional referendum in the Comoros.”

Monday’s vote on key constitutional changes proposed by President Azali Assoumani, who took office two years ago limited to a single-term, has been criticized by political opponents as an effort primarily to run again next year or beyond, according to news reports.

Under the current constitution, power rotates every five years between the three main islands of the Comoros, as a means of balancing power after years of instability. Reports say that three vice-presidencies would be scrapped if the referendum passes, consolidating presidential authority further.

In June this year, the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, which has been helping to stabilize the electoral process in the Comoros, called for “the broadest possible consensus” on institutional changes across the Archipelago.

On Sunday, the UN chief urged the Government of the Comoros “political parties and all other relevant stakeholders to do their utmost to respect the rule of law and human rights” and said he was “echoing the recent decision of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government” with is call on “Comorian stakeholders to engage in a dialogue to ensure an inclusive consultation on constitutional reforms under the auspices of the African Union.”


Hudaydah ‘one airstrike away from unstoppable epidemic’: UN humanitarian chief in Yemen

OCHA/Giles Clarke

A man and his sons travel to collect water underneath the Hajjah Road Bridge, in Hodeidah, Yemen, which was damaged in an airstrike in mid-2016. (file)

29 July 2018
Humanitarian Aid

The crucial Yemeni port city of Hudaydah, which has been living under fire from pro-Government forces for weeks now, could be just “one airstrike away from an unstoppable epidemic”, said the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in the country on Sunday.

Lise Grande said in a statement from the capital Sana’a, that “for weeks, we’ve been doing everything possible to help hundreds of thousands of people living in and near Hudaydah”, however, “these airstrikes are putting innocent civilians at extreme risk.”

The port is the primary gateway for food and humanitarian supplies into the war-stricken country, and together with the city overall, it has been in the hands of Houthi rebels since the end of 2014, who have been battling government forces aided by a Saudi-led coalition, which has been deploying war planes since fighting escalated in 2015.

Overall, 22 million people – or 75 per cent of the Yemeni population – require some form of humanitarian help or protection, including nearly 8.5 million who do not know where their next meal is coming from.

Coalition forces moved on Hudaydah in the middle of last month, but diplomatic moves led by the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, have helped to prevent an all-out military invasion of the city, while the warring parties negotiate a potential deal that could allow fighters to leave.

Nevertheless, local health facilities reported in mid-July that around 328 had been injured and nearly 50 killed during fighting to that point.

“Since the start of the recent military offensive,” said Ms. Grande, “humanitarian partners have been providing food, water, emergency kits, cash and healthcare.” She added that 80 per cent of those displaced by fighting had received some form of help.

Airstrikes earlier this week near a reproductive health centre and public laboratory in Hudaydah, also hit and damaged a sanitation facility and water station in the Zabid neighbourhood, she said. That water station "supplies the majority of the water" to the whole city she stressed.

As one of the epicentres of the large cholera outbreak which began last year across Yemen, she said that the deadly water-bourne disease “is already present in neighbourhoods across the city and governorate. Damage to sanitation, water and health facilities jeopardizes everything that we are trying to do…We could be one airstrike away from an unstoppable epidemic.”


Ahead of World Day against human trafficking, UN expert stresses States’ obligation to stop ‘gross human rights violations’

IOM/Amanda Nero

Almost half of identified cases of child trafficking begin with some family member involvement, UN Migration Agency (IOM) reported.

29 July 2018
Human Rights

Ahead of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on Monday, the UN human rights expert on the issue has emphasized that both victims and potential victims’ rights must be upheld – especially women and children – and appealed for all States to prevent and combat the global scourge.

Many of those falling prey to traffickers are migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers who have left their country of origin for various reasons; including conflict, natural disaster, persecution or extreme poverty.

“They have left behind their social protection network, and are particularly vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation,” said Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, in a statement marking the Day.

Ms. Giammarinaro observed that in the current “poisonous anti-migration political atmosphere,” migrants are often targeted as a threat, while in fact they are a net-gain for host countries where they live and work.

Against that backdrop, the UN expert stressed that anti-trafficking discourse is often misused “to justify restrictive migration policies and push-back activities.”

“Taking a stand against xenophobic and racist approaches, as well as violence, hatred and discrimination, is a moral duty which is in everyone’s power,” she underscored.

Calling it “a gross human rights violation,” Ms. Giammarinaro argued that States have an obligation to prevent trafficking.

Turning to the Global Migration Compact, the UN expert asserted that in addition to international protection schemes, States should establish individualized approaches to gauge migrants’ vulnerabilities, and provide them with tailored protections.

“In many countries, human rights activists and civil society organizations have been criminalized and ostracized for acting in solidarity with migrants and victims, and potential victims of trafficking,” she flagged.

Dismissing as “unacceptable” any attempt to delegitimize their humanitarian work, Ms. Giammarinaro said that civil society organizations globally play “a pivotal role” in saving lives.

Non-governmental organizations are also important in identifying trafficking victims, which according to the UN expert is “essential for ensuring access to protection and rehabilitation for victims, and should be prioritized, including during large mixed migration movements.”

“On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, my message is that, even in difficult times, inclusion, not exclusion, is the answer,” she concluded

UN Special Rapporteurs serve in their individual capacity, independent from any government or organization.


воскресенье, 29 июля 2018 г.

Боевики атаковали центр подготовки акушерок в Джелалабаде

28.07.2018 13:44

КАБУЛ, 28 июля. Сегодня утром на территории города Джелалабад, административного центра восточной афганской провинции Нангархар, нападению боевиков подвергся местный центр подготовки акушерок, расположенный неподалёку от здания местного департамента здравоохранения.

Боевые действия в районе гражданского объекта начались примерно в 11 часов утра по местному времени. По словам очевидцев, с места атаки доносятся звуки стрельбы, также прогремело несколько взрывов.

К настоящему времени на место прибыли сотрудники правоохранительных органов, приступившие к отражению нападения. Главным препятствием на пути проведения операции зачистки является присутствие большого числа мирных жителей в районе атаки, в том числе в здании центра.

Впоследствии пресс-служба губернатора провинции сообщила о том, что к настоящему времени из района боевых действий были эвакуированы несколько акушерок, в основном стажёрок медучреждения.

Сведений о возможных человеческих жертвах, вызванных нападением, равно как и о предполагаемом числе нападавших, ликвидацию которых предстоит осуществить стражам порядка, в прессу пока не поступало.

Ни одна группировка непримиримой вооружённой оппозиции до сих пор не взяла на себя ответственность за нападение, жертвами которого могло стать большое число женщин. Тем не менее, обозреватели полагают, что с высокой вероятностью о своей причастности к атаке заявит запрещённая в России группировка «Исламское государство», по-прежнему активно действующая в Нангархаре.


Make Sunday ‘an important celebration of democracy’ UN chief urges voters in Mali

MINUSMA/Harandane Dicko
Voting cards are readied for distribution in the July 2018 presidential election in Mali.

28 July 2018
Peace and Security

On the eve of Mali’s crucial presidential election, the United Nations Secretary-General said that despite clear security challenges, voters in the arid African nation of around 18 million, needed to ensure that the key poll was first and foremost “an important celebration of democracy”.

The UN Stabilization Mission in the country, MINUSMA, has been busy providing logistical support to the Government of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, especially in the restive north and centre, where an alliance of militant Islamists and Tuareg rebels have been launching attacks with increasing frequency and ferocity against government troops and UN peacekeepers.

When the current President was elected in 2013, his administration replaced a transitional government which had wrested back control - with international support - of the outlying regions following a failed coup, that saw the iconic and ancient city of Timbuktu occupied by militants. Dozens of UN peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice defending Mali’s fragile recovery in recent years.

In a statement issued by his Deputy Spokesperson on Saturday in New York, Secretary-General António Guterres, said that he was “closely following developments” this weekend.

Maintain the peaceful course, thereby ensuring that Sunday’s elections serve as an important celebration of democracy - UN chief Guterres

“On the eve of these polls, which are important for peace and reconciliation in Mali, the Secretary-General is encouraged by the overall peaceful climate that has characterized the electoral campaign to date, despite continued security challenges in the north and center of the country”, said the statement.

Mr. Guterres - who made a landmark visit to the country two months ago - called on “all Malians to maintain the peaceful course, thereby ensuring that Sunday’s elections serve as an important celebration of democracy.”

He urged all of the candidates and other political actors “to commit to making this poll a peaceful, free and transparent process, and to resolve any possible dispute through the appropriate institutions in accordance with the law.”

On Friday, the head of MINUSMA, Mahamat Saleh Annadif told the mission’s Radio Mikado that although tensions are high and the threat of attacks persist, the result had to be respected if democratic rule was to be viewed as “irreversible”.

The mission has been providing transportation to candidates, training and support for officials involved in the democratic process, and distributed 200 tonnes of electoral material, mainly to remote areas where the political process is most vulnerable to abuse, and voters are most likely to feel intimidated going to the polls.

“The Secretary-General stresses that peace and reconciliation for all Malian citizens must prevail, irrespective of the electoral outcome” said the statement, reiterating the UN’s commitment overall, to keep supporting the electoral process in the weeks and months ahead.


суббота, 28 июля 2018 г.

UN ‘committed to continue to support’ Pakistan’s Electoral Commission in wake of general election

UN Photo/John Isaac
Girls learning to weave in Karachi, Pakistan.

27 July 2018
Peace and Security

The United Nations Secretary-General has congratulated the people of Pakistan for “exercising their constitutional right to vote” on Wednesday, thereby reaffirming “their commitment to a democratic Pakistan.”

In a statement issued on Friday, on behalf of UN chief António Guterres, Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric commended Pakistan’s Electoral Commission “for the organization of the elections, noting positive initiatives related to training and efforts to enhance the inclusion of women, persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups, as well as first-time voters, in the electoral process.”

He said the UN was committed to continue to support the Electoral Commission, as the smooth transfer of power remained in doubt on Friday, with latest news reports suggesting that a group of Pakistani political parties were rejecting the results, alleging vote rigging.

According to the official results released so far, the party headed by former international cricket star and national team captain, Imran Khan, is in the lead, but does not have sufficient seats to secure power without forming a coalition.

Mr. Dujarric said that the Secretary-General was looking forward to the formation of the new government and “wishes it success in providing the people of Pakistan a stable, democratic, and prosperous future.”


Омбудсмен ДНР и представитель МККК обсудили поиск пропавших без вести

14:31   27.07.2018

© РИА Новости / Ирина Геращенко

ДОНЕЦК, 27 июл — РИА Новости. Омбудсмен самопровозглашенной Донецкой народной республики Дарья Морозова и глава донецкого офиса Международного комитета Красного Креста (МККК) Таша Рюмлей на встрече в Донецке обсудили вопрос поиска пропавших без вести, а также препятствия в подготовке второго этапа обмена пленными.

© РИА Новости

В ДНР призвали мировое сообщество обратить внимание на действия силовиков

"Сегодня в закрытом режиме состоялась рабочая встреча уполномоченного по правам человека в Донецкой народной республике Дарьи Морозовой с главой донецкого офиса Международного комитета Красного Креста Ташей Рюмлей", — говорится в сообщении пресс-службы аппарата уполномоченного по правам человека в ДНР.

В ходе встречи обсуждался вопрос поиска без вести пропавших. Кроме того, Морозова заявила "о препятствиях в проведении второго этапа обмена удерживаемыми лицами и о деструктивной позиции украинской стороны".

"Уполномоченный также сообщила, что в ДНР есть 19 осужденных, которые выразили желание продолжать отбывать наказание на территории Украины. Со стороны республики все подготовлено для осуществления процедуры передачи, однако бездействие украинской стороны не позволяет завершить этот процесс", — добавили в аппарате омбудсмена ДНР.

В конце декабря 2017 года состоялся первый за 15 месяцев обмен пленными в Донбассе. Стороны конфликта заявляли, что процесс освобождения удерживаемых лиц будет продолжен. Второй этап обмена пленными планировали провести в начале этого года.


Cambodia: Before crucial vote on Sunday, UN chief calls for ‘pluralistic political process’

Brett Matthews
A village bank in Takeo province, Cambodia. Photo: Brett Matthews

27 July 2018
Law and Crime Prevention

As Cambodians prepare to vote in general elections on Sunday, the United Nations Secretary-General issued a statement on Friday calling for “an inclusive and pluralistic political process” saying that it “remains essential for safeguarding the progress made by Cambodia in consolidating peace.”

Through his spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, he called on all political actors “to reduce tensions and political polarization.”

Prime Minister and leader of the Cambodian People’s Party, Hun Sen, has ruled the country for more than 30 years, and last November the rival Cambodia National Rescue Party was dissolved, by court edict, according to reports.

The UN independent expert appointed to monitor human rights in Cambodia, Rhona Smith, said at the end of April that there could be no “genuine” election process “if the main opposition party is barred from taking part.”

The UN chief on Friday called on the Cambodian government “to uphold international human rights standards and in particular to ensure guarantees for civil society actors and political parties to exercise their democratic rights.”

“He reiterates the continued commitment of the United Nations to support a peaceful and democratic Cambodia that fully respects the human rights of all its citizens,” concluded Mr. Dujarric.


‘Warehouses emptying’ amid growing humanitarian needs in south-west Syria

UNICEF/Alaa Al-Faqir
Families from rural Quneitra are displaced, seeking shelter in open areas and camps. An estimated 140,000 people remain displaced across south-west Syria, in need of safe passage out of the area.

27 July 2018
Humanitarian Aid

More than 180,000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in south-west Syria after weeks of escalating hostilities that have restricted aid access to the area, the UN said on Friday.

At a briefing in Geneva, Jens Laerke, spokesperson for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said that there were particular concerns for an estimated 55,000 civilians whose movements have been restricted by the extremist group Jaysh Khaled Bin Walid (JKBW).

“We are, of course, very concerned about this particular group’s policy of restricting freedom of movement for civilians who are trying to flee the area and only a very limited number of civilians had been able to escape,” Mr. Laerke told journalists.

The ISIL-linked terrorist affiliate’s area of control, spans around 200-square kilometres of Syrian territory near the Jordanian border, OCHA said in a statement, noting that the development follows five weeks of territorial gains by Syrian Government forces against opposition armed groups in the south-western governorates of Dara’a, Quneitra and Sweida.

Several thousand people have nonetheless managed to seek safety from JKBW, but those who remain “are now subject to increasing hostilities”, the OCHA official said, adding that between 21 and 23 July, “intense air strikes” were reported in the so-called Yarmouk Basin of Dara’a Province.

The targets included al-Shajra, Hayt, Tasil, Jellin, Sahm al-Golan, Adwan and Tal al-Jumou’, OCHA said in a statement.

Reports suggest that at least 32 civilians were killed in these attacks, including 11 children and three women.

On Wednesday 25 July, a multiple suicide attack by ISIL in Sweida city also resulted in more than 240 casualties and injured at least 170 people.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres strongly condemned the incident, which came as UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura briefed the UN Security Council on efforts to end the more than seven-year Syrian war.

According to OCHA, one other area remains in opposition hands in south-west Syria, near the Golan Heights.

There, civilians face ongoing violence and cross-border humanitarian actors report that they only have limited supplies left.

“Our humanitarian partners who have operated across borders from Jordan are highly restricted,” Laerke said. “In fact, it’s over a month since there has been a cross-border convoy from Jordan into the area.”

According to OCHA, the last cross-border convoy from neighbouring Jordan was dispatched on 25 June, in line with UN Security Council resolutions.

The delivery of humanitarian aid from within Syria also continues to be hampered, OCHA said, as aid partners in Damascus “still (have) not been granted the necessary approvals” to reach communities in Quneitra.

The restrictions mean that significant unmet needs continue to increase dramatically, and the situation has been made worse by the fact that many local aid partners have also been forced to flee the fighting, leading to a significant scale-down of some assistance.

“More warehouses are now empty or emptying, which mean that we are very concerned about the continued delivery of lifesaving assistance to those many thousands of affected people,” Laerke said.


UN chief welcomes new law giving extra autonomy to Muslims in Southern Philippines

A man harvests long-blade grass from a field in Mindanao, Philippines.

27 July 2018
Peace and Security

The UN Secretary-General on Friday welcomed a new law which grants extra autonomy to Muslim communities living in the Southern Philippines, describing it as a “landmark achievement on the road to lasting peace”.

Philippine President, Rodrigo Duterte, signed the new legislation, formally known as the Organic Law for Bangsamoro in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, on Thursday, raising hopes that years of separatist violence involving central Government troops and militants from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, can be brought to an end.

“The Secretary-General congratulates negotiators for the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the Bicameral Conference Committee, the Bangsamoro Transition Commission and civil society groups for their efforts,” said the UN chief, in a statement issued by his Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric.

According to news reports, the long-anticipated new autonomy came four years after the Government signed a peace deal with the separatist group, which dropped its bid for full independence, seeking instead a new deal over self-rule.

The Front began its uprising in 1978, marking a period of violent confrontation which left around 120,000 dead. The new expanded autonomous region in the south, will be led initially by a transitional authority, before being run by a new parliamentary body, say reports.

The statement from the UN chief said that the UN “will continue to support the Philippines in the implementation of the law, and to help build the capacity of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority as an effective conduit for peace, democratic governance, and human rights”.



Mali: Any dispute over key Sunday vote must be resolved peacefully, says UN envoy

Ahead of Mali's 2018 presidential elections, this young women is picking up her new voter's card at an electoral station in Gao, in the country's north.

27 July 2018
Peace and Security

With key presidential elections in Mali just two days away, the top United Nations official there on Friday stressed that candidates must accept the results and ensure that the democratic process in Mali is “irreversible”.

“It is necessary that everybody goes to vote in a peaceful way and that the actors competing in this election accept the ballot box results”, said Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for the African country, in an interview with the UN Mission’s radio network, Mikado FM.

He said that security conditions, although fragile, were adequate for a successful round of voting on Sunday. Any dispute must be resolved through arbitration by the Malian institutions in charge, he stressed.

As the 2013 elections restored constitutional order, the 2018 elections must reassure that the democratic process in Mali is “irreversible”, he said.

The UN mission, known by its French acronym MINUSMA, headed by Mr. Annadif, is providing technical assistance to the Malian authorities, and helping to create conditions conducive for the holding of credible and peaceful elections.

This includes the preparation and distribution of electoral materials; back-up security support; as well as helping to transport and train electoral officials. The mission has also made transportation available for all candidates to reach remote northern and central parts of the country, for campaigning purposes.




Mali: Any dispute over key Sunday vote must be resolved peacefully, says UN envoy

Ahead of Mali's 2018 presidential elections, this young women is picking up her new voter's card at an electoral station in Gao, in the country's north.

27 July 2018
Peace and Security

With key presidential elections in Mali just two days away, the top United Nations official there on Friday stressed that candidates must accept the results and ensure that the democratic process in Mali is “irreversible”.

“It is necessary that everybody goes to vote in a peaceful way and that the actors competing in this election accept the ballot box results”, said Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for the African country, in an interview with the UN Mission’s radio network, Mikado FM.

He said that security conditions, although fragile, were adequate for a successful round of voting on Sunday. Any dispute must be resolved through arbitration by the Malian institutions in charge, he stressed.

As the 2013 elections restored constitutional order, the 2018 elections must reassure that the democratic process in Mali is “irreversible”, he said.

The UN mission, known by its French acronym MINUSMA, headed by Mr. Annadif, is providing technical assistance to the Malian authorities, and helping to create conditions conducive for the holding of credible and peaceful elections.

This includes the preparation and distribution of electoral materials; back-up security support; as well as helping to transport and train electoral officials. The mission has also made transportation available for all candidates to reach remote northern and central parts of the country, for campaigning purposes.

MINSUMA said it had transported 200 tons of electoral material and distributed it in all the northern regions; and flown 300 different people related to the whole electoral process - including the Independent National Electoral Commission delegates, Constitutional Court delegates, as well as international and national observers. including those from the African Union, the European Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Speaking to journalists at UN Headquarters on Friday, Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General, said that the security situation remains volatile, with local intercommunal tensions still high, heightening the risk of criminal and terrorist actions in the north and the centre.

“So far, however, there have been no major incidents related to the electoral process,” he said.

The Spokesman said that Mr. Annadif is proactively seeking to ensure that any electoral-related dispute is resolved peacefully and in accordance with the law.


The ‘used and abused’ children of Syria must learn what ‘peace’ really means, Security Council hears

In Al-Tabqa city, Syria, a 12-year-old boy and his friends walk past a destroyed car. He and his family were uprooted twice during the years-long conflict, forcing him to drop out of elementary school. (file)

27 July 2018
Peace and Security

More than 7,000 children have lost their lives or been maimed as a result of the brutal conflict in Syria, a senior United Nations official told the UN Security Council on Friday, stressing that they had been abused by the warring parties for far too long.

“It is time for the children of Syria to believe in their own future and to learn what peace means,” Virginia Gamba, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, told the Security Council.

“It is time for them to retake the childhood that was taken away from them. It is time for them to stop being victims and become game changers, in the restoration of normality in peace and justice. They have been used and abused by, in and for armed conflict, for far too long,” she added.

Ms. Gamba said that since the beginning of the Syria crisis in March 2011, the UN has verified the killing or maiming of more than 7,000 children in the conflict, now in its eighth year.

It is time for them to stop being victims and become game changers, in the restoration of normality in peace and justice - Virginia Gamba

“I must stress that this is the verified number alone, the unverified reports reflect numbers that go way beyond 20,000 child casualties”, she added.

She said they had suffered multiple appalling violations; in their homes, communities, schools, detention centres and displacement camps.

In 2005, the Security Council adopted a resolution that established a monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM) for six grave violations against children in armed conflict situations.

The six violations are: killing and maiming; recruitment or use as soldiers; sexual violence; abduction; attacks against schools or hospitals; and denial of humanitarian access.

Based on the resolution, the mechanism for the situation in Syria was established in 2013.

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East.

“Every year since then, there has been a tremendous increase in all grave violations committed by all parties to the conflict”, she said.

Since the beginning of this year, the mechanism has verified more than 1,200 violations against children. More than 600 children have been killed or maimed; more than 180 were recruited and used; more than 60 schools have been attacked, while over 100 attacks on hospitals and medical facilities or personnel have been verified.

Ms. Gamba said most of these violations have occurred in the context of military surges by various parties in the areas of Afrin, Hama, Idlib, east Ghouta and Dara’a in the last six months.

“I am deeply disturbed by the stories of children born and raised throughout this conflict, children who have never seen peace in Syria”, she said. “They do not know the meaning of the word ‘peace’”.

Also briefing the Security Council was the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, who gave detailed updates on the humanitarian situation across the war-ravaged country.

“The appalling suffering this war has wrought on Syria’s children is truly unimaginable”, he said. “Yet, it is Syria’s children who are the future of the country. Ensuring that their rights are respected, protected and fulfilled must be at the centre of all of our efforts.”

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, at the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East.

Mr. Lowcock, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, said that since November 2017, the total number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Aleppo and Idleb governates has increased by nearly 600,000, to a total of around 4.2 million.

He said that humanitarian needs remain high in eastern Ghouta, though there are also reports of markets beginning to function again and the return of other activities resembling normal daily life.

About 10,000 people from east Ghouta, mostly men between the ages of 15 and 65, are reported to remain in displacement sites across Rural Damascus. In the north east, returns to the liberated city of Raqqa – the former ISIL terrorist stronghold - have continued, despite risks due to high levels of explosive hazard contamination.

There are also very serious concerns about civilians trapped in areas held by ISIL, otherwise known as Da’esh, in the eastern part of Deir-ez-Zor governorate.


пятница, 27 июля 2018 г.

На организацию выборов в Афганистане будет выделено ещё 57 млн. долларов

26.07.2018   09:34

КАБУЛ, 26 июля. На проведение выборов в парламент и советы уездов Афганистана будут дополнительно выделено 57 миллионов долларов США, сообщает пресс-служба афганской миссии ООН.

Соответствующее соглашение было подписано по итогам очередного заседания проектной комиссии, в ходе которого доноры пообещали предоставить дополнительные средства на содействие работе Независимой избирательной комиссии и Комиссии по жалобам на злоупотребления при выборах.

«Данное новое соглашение позволит организации выборов продвинуться к исполнению, – отметил спецпредставитель генерального секретаря ООН по Афганистану Тадамичи Ямамото. – Страны ООН пообещали обеспечить партнёрскую международную поддержку процесса в ходе подготовки Афганистана к выборам».

Как ранее сообщал «Афганистан.Ру» проведение общенационального голосования назначено на 20 октября нынешнего года, и в настоящее время на территории страны проходит подготовка к выборам.

Для того, чтобы принять участие в грядущем голосовании, гражданам страны необходимо пройти регистрацию и получить избирательные удостоверения. По данным миссии ООН в Афганистане, к настоящему времени регистрацию прошли 8,9 миллионов избирателей, в том числе более 3 миллионов женщин.

Напомним, что процесс регистрации избирателей стартовал 14 апреля, и его завершение было назначено на 3 августа. Тем не менее, на протяжении нескольких месяцев подготовка к голосованию была сопряжена со значительными трудностями.

Неоднократно центры регистрации избирателей подвергались атакам, что побудило многих жителей страны отказаться от получения удостоверений по соображениям безопасности. Кроме того, гражданские протесты в северной части страны привели не только к бойкотированию регистрации, но и к целенаправленному созданию препятствий на пути работы избирательных органов.

Тем не менее, представители миссии ООН выражают надежду на вклад афганских властей и политиков в обеспечение открытого и всеохватного голосования, отмечая значимость участия граждан страны в избирательном процессе.

«Мы рассчитываем на тщательную проверку зарегистрированных избирателей и желание каждой из вовлечённых сторон устранять нарушения в случае их возникновения, – отметил Тадамичи Ямамото. – НИК и Комиссия по жалобам уже продемонстрировали способность отвечать на конструктивную критику, но они нуждаются в поддержке всех участников».


МККК и "Человек в беде" отправили в Донбасс 157 тонн гуманитарной помощи

10:01  26.07.2018

© РИА Новости / Сергей Аверин

КИЕВ, 26 июл — РИА Новости. Миссия Международного комитета Красного Креста (МККК) и благотворительная организация "Человек в беде" отправили более 157 тонн гуманитарной помощи для жителей неподконтрольной Киеву территории Донбасса, сообщила в четверг государственная пограничная служба Украины.

"Через контрольный пункт въезда-выезда "Новотроицкое" проследовало 10 грузовых автомобилей со строительными материалами и медицинскими наборами общим весом более 157 тонн от благотворительной организации "Человек в беде" и Международного комитета Красного Креста", — говорится в сообщении.

Международные организации регулярно направляют в Донбасс грузы гуманитарной помощи.


"Нормандская четверка" обсудила деградацию гуманитарной ситуации в Донбассе

19:18   26.07.2018

© РИА Новости / Сергей Аверин

БЕРЛИН, 26 июл — РИА Новости. На встрече политдиректоров МИД стран "нормандского формата" отдельное внимание было уделено "деградации" ситуации в гуманитарной области в Донбассе, угрозе "коллапса" инфраструктуры, заявил журналистам замглавы МИД России Григорий Карасин

"Отдельное внимание было уделено деградирующей в последние месяцы гуманитарной ситуации на Донбассе, угрозе коллапса в работе инфраструктуры юго-востока Украины", — сказал Карасин.

Ранее в Берлине завершилась встреча политдиректоров "нормандской четверки" (Россия, Германия, Франция, Украина) по украинскому урегулированию.


UN chief strongly condemns terrorist attacks in south-west Syria

UNHCR/Susan Schulman
Relentless fighting has left much of Syria in ruins.

26 July 2018
Peace and Security

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, has strongly condemnedmultiple suicide bombings on Wednesday in the government-held town of Sweida, in Syria’s south-west, which killed and injured scores of civilians.

According to news reports, the attacks were claimed by the terrorist group ISIL, or Da’esh, which has been defending territory in the region from a major government offensive.

“He is appalled by the utter disregard for human life displayed by ISIL,” said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, stressing that “those responsible for the attacks must be held accountable”.

The Secretary-General extended his condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes the injured a speedy recovery.

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the region, Ali al-Za’tari called for better “protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure and sparing them the brunt of violence and conflict wherever they are” in the war-torn country.

Staffan de Mistura, the UN Special Envoy for Syria who is attempting to bring the warring parties to the negotiation table, briefed the Security Council on Wednesday behind closed doors from Geneva, on the latest political and humanitarian situation.


Guterres sounds alarm over worst cashflow crunch in years

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
Secretariat Building at United Nations Headquarters

26 July 2018
UN Affairs

The United Nations is at risk of running out of cash, the UN chief has warned, urging Member States to pay their mandatory contributions on time and in full, so that the world body can continue to deliver on its key mandates.

In a letter to UN staff, Secretary-General António Guterres stated that he had “written to Member States regarding the troubling financial situation facing the United Nations”.

“Caused primarily by the delayed contributions of Member States to the Regular Budget, this new cash shortfall is unlike those we have experienced previously”, he wrote. “Our cash flow has never been this low so early in the calendar year, and the broader trend is also concerning: we are running out of cash sooner and staying in the red longer”.

At the end of June this year, the amount of money paid by Member States for the 2018 assessment stood at around $1.49 billion. At the same time last year, the amount paid to the regular budget was just over $1.70 billion.

So far this month, Iraq, Moldova, Japan, Lithuania and Mexico have paid their contributions, leaving the outstanding amount owed for 2018, at nearly $810 million, with 81 States yet to pay.

“I have appealed to Member States to pay their assessments on time and in full, and highlighted the risk the current situation poses to the delivery of mandates and to the reputation of our Organization,” Mr. Guterres wrote in the letter.

Speaking to journalists at UN Headquarters, his Spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said that the UN fully understands that some Member States operate on different fiscal timetables, but unlike in previous years, the cash flow has never been this low, so early in the calendar year.

He also said the UN does not have much financial flexibility and relies on Member States to pay their dues on time and in full.

Mr. Dujarric added that the UN Secretariat would now be looking into ways of reducing expenses, with a focus on non-staff costs.


New ECOSOC president to revive ‘deliberative function’ of forum

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Inga Rhonda King, President of the Economic and Social Council.

26 July 2018
UN Affairs

The newly-elected President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Ronda King, of the Caribbean island nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, said on Thursday that she intended to make the year ahead “a defining” one for the body that leads the UN’s ambitious drive for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

“It promises to be a defining year, which could help set a new course for the work of the Council and the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) held under its auspices,” said Ms. King, after being voted in as the 74th president.

Calling it an honour to serve, she thanked the Council members and asked for their help moving forward so that ECOSOC and the HLPF could live up to expectations.

She paid special tribute to the current president, Marie Chatardova, “whose leadership and vision” Ms. King said she would continue to rely and build on, with its emphasis on inclusion and participation.

She listed a revived ECOSOC as one of her main priorities. “You heard me correctly,” she said, “with your committed participation, we will revive the ECOSOC using in full, the hard-won innovations introduced by the General Assembly.”

“There has been some dissatisfaction with the functioning of ECOSOC over the recent few years. But in the coming 12 months, let us work together to restore the ‘deliberative function’ of ECOSOC,” she underscored

She also cited the HLPF as “the centerpiece” of her priorities, saying that when it meets in the General Assembly, Heads of State and Government will review the entire 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“We will have to think of ways to strengthen the conduct of the next cycle of reviews” while looking towards the early 2030 Sustainable Development Goal targets, that are set for 2020, she said.

Ms. King argued against focusing solely on what does not work, and urged members to tone down criticism and avoid skipping meetings. “Let us focus on what does work well and why. Let us reflect on how we can make ECOSOC deliver fully,” she stressed.

For her part, outgoing President Chatardova recapped the “unprecedented engagement” of many groups during her year in office, calling it “very encouraging” towards achieving the 2030 Agenda.

She recalled 240 side events and special events, focused on partnerships, education, business, SDG Learning and Training, and local and regional government. Additionally, a film festival and a number of exhibitions enriched the official meetings, added Ms. Chatardova.

“I am sure when next year HLPF also meets under the auspices of the General Assembly, it will reaffirm the political will at the highest level to continue implementing the 2030 Agenda and lifting the obstacles,” she said.


DR Congo: UN envoy calls for ‘a level playing field’ in key upcoming elections

UN Photo/Loey Felipe
Leila Zerrougui, Special Representative and Head of the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), briefs the Security Council.

26 July 2018
Peace and Security

Major progress has been made on preparations for the upcoming elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but “conditions for a level playing field are not yet in place”, said the most senior United Nations official based in the country.

“While significant progress has been made to respect the stages of the calendar process, the electoral process continues to suffer from suspicion and mistrust between the majority and the opposition, and, between the opposition and the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI),” Leila Zerrougui, the UN Special Representative for the country and head of the Stabilization Mission, MONUSCO, told the Security Council on Thursday.

She noted that preparations have reached an important turning point with the opening, on Wednesday, of candidate reception offices for presidential and legislative elections, due to take place on December 23.

However, the opposition has expressed multiple grievances, she added, including over voting machinery and electoral records.

“I am however encouraged to note that, in the face of disagreements highlighted above, and against the backdrop of immense logistical and financial challenges, all major political parties were able to successfully enrol candidates for provincial legislative elections,” she said.

After a slow start, more than 18,000 candidates for office registered, in order to contest 715 seats.

Conditions for a level playing field are not yet in place, and without progress on these fronts, the credibility and inclusivity of upcoming elections may be at risk - Leila Zerrougui, head of MONUSCO

Although the final tally is yet to be published, initial indications suggest that women make up less than 12 per cent of all registered candidates, she said, urging political parties to ensure greater female representation and participation in forthcoming elections.

Ms. Zerrougui said she remains concerned by violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms that continue to impact negatively on democratic space as some peaceful demonstrations are suppressed.

She also said that civil society actors and political opponents continue to be arbitrarily arrested and media workers threatened.

“Thus, conditions for a level playing field are not yet in place, and without progress on these fronts, the credibility and inclusivity of upcoming elections may be at risk,” she warned.

“The Democratic Republic of Congo is at the crossroads. That’s the reason for which I appeal to all stakeholders to seize this opportunity to allow for inclusive, transparent and credible elections on 23 December to provide a more stable future for the DRC, Congolese women and Congolese,” she concluded.


Despite challenges and ‘unfinished business’, Colombia celebrates progress towards lasting peace, Security Council hears

The UN Verification Mission in Colombia's key task is to verify the reintegration into society of former FARC-EP members.

26 July 2018
Peace and Security

Amid a long series of challenges, the implementation of the peace process in Colombia is moving forward and has achieved important milestones in recent months, according to a new report by the United Nations Secretary-Generalpresented to the Security Council on Thursday.

On 20 July – Colombia’s Independence Day – as a new Congress was inaugurated, including representatives from the political party that has sprung out of the former FARC rebel movement, which waged a revolutionary struggle with government forces for more than 50 years, before signing a peace deal in 2016.

“The presence of the political party FARC fulfills one of the core objectives of the final Peace Agreement, and this Congress is among the more diverse, plural and representative in the country's legislative history,” said Jean Arnault, Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, which was set up nearly two years ago, to monitor and support implementation of the peace deal.

He added however that “while participation of FARC representatives in the Congress is a major step, reintegration into civilian life of former FARC-EP members is very much unfinished business,” noting that successful reintegration will “no doubt require dedication and resources”.

According to the report, “the fundamental goal of providing income-generating opportunities for 14,000 former combatants is far from being realized”. However, the Government made “the welcome decision” to extend food assistance to the territorial areas for training and reintegration until the end of 2018.

In addition to the fear and frustration expressed by some former combatants regarding a peace process they feel has not lived up to expectations, the report lays out other issues which President-elect Iván Duque, set to take office on 7 August, will have to address in order to bridge the divisions among the Colombian people: the proliferation of new illegal groups; the continued growth of the coca economy; and the ongoing violence in certain areas, especially against community leaders and human rights advocates.

In his briefing, the Head of the Verification Mission recognised the importance of the national “Pact of repudiation of violence against social leaders” signed by President Santos and President-elect Duque. “It is the first time that violence against social leaders is received with such a strong sense of outrage, expressed in the streets of Colombia and cities abroad, in the halls of national institutions and across the political spectrum,” he said, calling this national consensus against attacks on local figureheads “significant”.

Mr. Arnault reiterated that the newly elected authorities can count on the support of the Verification Mission and stressed that “supporting institutions in their efforts to curb the violence in the territories will remain a top priority”.


четверг, 26 июля 2018 г.

Cameroon violence needs urgent investigation, says UN rights chief Zeid

UNHCR/Elizabeth Mpimbaza

Families, fleeing unrest in English-speaking Cameroon, seek refuge in Utanga, Obanliku, Nigeria. Ongoing clashes between Cameroonian State forces and armed separatists have raised concerns of human rights violations.

25 July 2018

Human Rights

Persistent reports of grave human rights abuses in Cameroon — including a widely shared video showing the alleged execution of a woman, child and baby — must be investigated by the authorities urgently, UN rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said on Wednesday.

Amid a backdrop of protests in the English-speaking north-west and south-west regions of the West African country, that escalated in late 2017 into clashes between State military forces and armed groups, Zeid condemned an ambush on a Government convoy that took place earlier this month.

But he cautioned that the Government’s “heavy-handed response…will only make matters worse for the women, children and men caught in the middle”.

To date, the violence has forced more than 21,000 people to flee to neighbouring countries, according to UN humanitarian staff, while 160,000 have been internally displaced, many reportedly hiding in forests to protect themselves.

I am deeply worried that these killings … may not be isolated cases — UN human rights chief, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein

“There are reports that armed elements have carried out kidnappings, targeted killings of police and local authorities, extortion and have torched schools,” the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said. “There are also reports that Government forces are responsible for killings, the excessive use of force, burning down of houses, arbitrary detentions and torture.”

To prevent the situation from deteriorating further, Zeid urged the Government to launch independent investigations into alleged violations by State security forces and abuses by armed elements.

In a statement, the High Commissioner also noted serious violations in the far north of the country, where the authorities continue to confront the terrorist group Boko Haram.

Zeid said that he was “utterly appalled” by a video reportedly showing members of State armed forces executing a woman, a child and a baby who were accused of belonging to the separatist militants, and insisted the Government had an obligation to investigate the crime.

“I am deeply worried that these killings captured on camera may not be isolated cases,” he said.

Given the seriousness of the reported violence by State and armed actors, the UN official added that it was “regrettable” that the Government had failed to grant the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) access, despite repeated requests.

“We will now need to explore other options, including remote monitoring,” Zeid noted.
