четверг, 12 сентября 2030 г.

SDG progress ‘in danger’ of going backwards without change in direction, new UN report reveals

11 September 2019

The current worldwide sustainable development model is threatening to reverse years of progress, if strategies don’t drastically change, an independent group of scientists has concluded in a major new report launched on Wednesday.

The UN report will be at the centre of discussions during the UN summit on the SDGs later this month.

Worsening inequalities and potentially irreversible damage to the natural environment on which we all depend, demands concerted action, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), urged in a statement on the report findings, compiled by a team of 15 UN-appointed experts.

“Achieving human well-being and eradicating poverty for all of the Earth’s people—expected to number 8.5 billion by 2030—is still possible,” they highlighted, “but only if there is a fundamental—and urgent—change in the relationship between people and nature.”

The report, “The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development,” points to understanding the relationships between individual SDGs and the “concrete systems that define society today” to devise a plan to ameliorate global instability.

At the request of countries to evaluate progress of the 2030 SDG Agenda, adopted in 2015, the Global Report on Sustainable Development (GDSR) consists of surveys on scientific findings from ocean livelihoods, to sustainable consumption, production, and disaster risk management, among other issues.
Science-backed recommendations

The current roadmap for development has generated prosperity for “hundreds of millions,” the scientists said, but at the cost of other resources and a growing inequality that undermines global growth.

Boosting economies via increasing consumption for example, is exhausting the planet’s materials and creating toxic by-products which threaten to overwhelm the world. At the current rate of consumption, “use of material is set to almost double between 2017 and 2060, from 89 Gigatons to 167 Gigatons”, resulting in consequential “increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions, and other toxic effects” from resource extraction, they stressed.

The status quo must change, scientists said, in order to eschew further loss in “social cohesion and sustainable economic growth,” curb biodiversity losses, and save a “world close to tipping points with the global climate system.”

For this to happen, all sectors must come together in coordinated action, the report urges. Increasing investment in science for sustainability, is one key approach, and acknowledging that achievement of the SDGs requires economic growth be divorced from environmental degradation, while reducing inequalities.

The experts noted that “the extensive transformation that is needed will not be easy, and the report suggests that a deep scientific understanding is needed to anticipate and mitigate the tensions and trade-offs inherent in widespread structural change.”
Key points of intervention

According to the report, there are 20 points of intervention that can be used to accelerate progress toward multiple goals and targets in the next ten years.

Among these, basic services must be made universally available—healthcare, education, water and sanitation infrastructure, housing and social protection— as a prerequisite” toward eliminating poverty.

In addition, ending legal and social discrimination, scaling up trades unions, nongovernmental organizations, women’s groups and other communities will “be important partners in efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda”, the experts said.

Inefficient food and energy systems are depriving some 2 billion people of food security, while 820 million are undernourished, and 2 billion adults are overweight. Production processes are causing severe environmental impact.

Transitioning to renewable energy systems could help reduce the 3 billion who rely on pollutants for cooking, and avoid premature deaths, estimated at 3.8 million each year, they cited. Meanwhile, the energy access gap has left close to one billion without access to electricity at all. Increases in renewable energy supply in the past decade have corresponded with price drops in clean fuel technology—around 77 per cent for solar power and a 38 per cent drop for onshore wind.

With an estimated two-thirds of the global population projected to live in cities by 2050, the experts said achieving the 2030 Agenda will require “more compact and efficient” urban areas that will be nature-based in infrastructure—but the ecosystem’s services and resources “must be safeguarded.”

What the scientists call “the global environmental commons” - the rainforests, oceans, and atmosphere - need support from governments, international actors and the private sector to ensure good practices.

The full report and its recommendations will be presented during the High-Level Political Forum at the 2019 SDG Summit that will convene heads of State and Government in New York on 24 and 25 September.


понедельник, 29 сентября 2025 г.

Глава МИД Азербайджана призвал поддержать кандидатуру Баку для проведения «ЭКСПО – 2025»

Фото ООН

Министр иностранных дел Азербайджана Эльмар Мамедъяров выступил в Генассамблеи ООН

28 сентября 2018


Азербайджан поддерживает инициативы главы ООН по предупреждению войн и поддержанию мира, привержен выполнению Целей устойчивого развития и продвигает идеи мультикультурализма. Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел Азербайджана Эльмар Мамедъяров, выступая в ходе общих прений 73-й сессии Генассамблеи. При этом он напомнил об «оккупации Арменией» одной пятой территории Азербайджана и призвал международное сообщество «усилить давление на Ереван, чтобы добиться выполнения соответствующих резолюций Совета Безопасности».

Министр иностранных дел Азербайджана рассказал с трибуны Генассамблеи об успехах его страны в развитии экономики и ее участии в многочисленных региональных проектах – строительстве транспортных коридоров, объектов инфраструктуры и создании высокотехнологичных коммуникационных магистралей.

По его словам, устойчивый экономический рост позволяет Азербайджану оказывать помощь развивающимся странам, а также государствам, которые справляются с последствиями стихийных бедствий. Азербайджан, по его словам, борется с коррупцией и активно сотрудничает с правозащитными механизмами ООН.

Глава МИД Азербайджана сообщил, что Баку претендует на проведение международной выставки «ЭКСПО – 2025» и призвал страны, которым в ноябре предстоит определить победителя, поддержать кандидатуру Азербайджана. «Страны Восточной Европы, Кавказа и бассейна Каспия никогда не принимали у себя ЭКСПО», - сообщил Мамедъяров, подчеркнув, что избрание Баку позволит расширить географию проведения выставки.

По словам министра, Азербайджан как «один из признанных центров мультикультурализма» провел многочисленные международные мероприятия, направленные на укрепление межкультурного диалога. «Представители всех этнических и религиозных групп проживают в Азербайджане в мире и гармонии», - подчеркнул он.

Вместе с тем, глава МИД Азербайджана напомнил, что пятая часть территории его страны находится «под оккупацией со стороны Армении», а «один из девяти жителей страны является беженцем или внутренним переселенцем». Он призвал международное сообщество оказать давление на власти Армении, чтобы добиться немедленного выполнения соответствующих резолюций Совета Безопасности ООН.

«Новое руководство Армении должно понимать, что его обещания армянскому народу о превращении Армении в экономически развитое и процветающее государство невозможно выполнить, не установив мир и добрые взаимоотношения с соседями, не уважая их суверенитет и территориальную целостность», - подчеркнул Эльмар Мамедъяров.

Как заявил министр, в Азербайджане считают, что не существует «альтернативы миру, стабильности и взаимовыгодному региональному сотрудничеству».


вторник, 31 декабря 2024 г.

В ООН представили предварительную глобальную повестку дня на период после 2015 года

04.12.2014 — В четверг Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун представил государствам-членам предварительный текст обобщенного доклада о целях устойчивого развития на период с 2015 по 2030 годы. Он называется «Путь к достойной жизни: покончим с голодом, преобразуем жизнь всех людей и защитим планету». Глава ООН призвал начать новую эру устойчивого развития, в центре которого был бы человек, защита его прав и сохранение планеты, на которой мы живем.

«В следующем году у нас появится беспрецедентная возможность предпринять далеко идущие действия по обеспечению нашего благополучия, необходимость в которых назрела уже давно», - заявил Пан Ги Мун, представляя новые предложения на суд государств-членов ООН. Они станут основой для переговоров, которые должны увенчаться принятием глобальной повестки дня на следующие пятнадцать лет, начиная с 2015 года.

В этот период человечество должно добиться выполнения 17 задач в таких областях, как ликвидация нищеты, борьба с голодом, охрана здоровья, обеспечение гендерного равноправия, борьба с изменением климата, стимулирование экономического роста и создание рабочих мест, улучшение доступа к современным источникам энергии, расширение услуг в области водоснабжения и санитарии.

Они придут на смену Целям тысячелетия в области развития, которые мировые лидеры приняли в 2000 году. Тогда они поставили восемь конкретных задач в области сокращения бедности, материнской и детской смертности, обеспечения доступа к образованию, водоснабжению и санитарии, борьбы с инфекционными заболеваниями и защиты окружающей среды.

Генеральный секретарь напомнил делегатам, что процесс разработки новых целей носил беспрецедентно инклюзивный характер, и добавил, что в его докладе содержатся «контуры универсальной революционной глобальной повестки дня, в центре которой находятся люди и планета, которая опирается на права человека и глобальное сотрудничество».

«В том, что касается развития, мы находимся на пороге самого важного года, начиная с создания самой Организации Объединенных Наций, - говорится в докладе Генерального секретаря. - Мы должны придать новый смысл обещанию «вновь утвердить веру в основные права человека, в достоинство и ценность человеческой личности», и вывести мир на путь устойчивого развития. Нам дана историческая возможность - и обязанность - срочно предпринять смелые и решительные действия с тем, чтобы наполнить достоинством жизнь всех людей, никого не оставляя за бортом».

В течение ближайших месяцев государствам предстоит договориться об окончательных параметрах повестки дня на период после 2015 года. Пан Ги Мун приветствовал усилия Открытой рабочей группы, которая сформулировала 17 целей в области устойчивого развития и 169 конкретных показателей, достижение которых поможет покончить с бедностью, достичь всеобщего благоденствия и защитить планету.

пятница, 26 апреля 2024 г.

UN updates on probe into allegations of staff collusion during 7 October attacks

Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, briefs reporters at UN Headquarters (file).
UN Photo/Manuel Elías
Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, briefs reporters at UN Headquarters (file).

26 April 2024

UN Affairs

A UN Office investigating Israeli accusations that 12 staff members from UN Palestine relief agency UNRWA were involved in the 7 October Hamas-led attacks has closed one of the cases because Israel had not provided any supporting evidence, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said on Friday. 

“We are exploring corrective administrative action to be taken in that person’s case,” he said, speaking during the daily press briefing in New York. 

Meanwhile, eight staff remain under investigation by the UN’s internal oversight body, OIOS, which also suspended three cases “as the information provided by Israel is not sufficient for OIOS to proceed with an investigation.” 

UNRWA is now also considering what administrative action to take in those three cases.  

Immediate action taken 

The accusations surfaced in January when Israel informed UNRWA of the alleged involvement of the staff members in the brutal assault on its territory. Some 1,200 people were killed and another 250 were taken to Gaza as hostages. 

Of the 12 people implicated, UNRWA immediately identified and terminated the contracts of 10, while two were confirmed dead.  

The UN Secretary-General immediately ordered OIOS to investigate, while an independent panel was appointed to conduct a separate assessment into whether UNRWA is doing everything to ensure neutrality and to respond to allegations of serious breaches when they arise. 

The panel, headed by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, published its report on Monday which found that “the set of rules and the mechanisms and procedures in place [at UNRWA] are the most elaborate within the UN system”. 

Seven more cases 

Mr. Dujarric said the UN subsequently received information from Israel about seven more cases - five in March and two in April. One case has also been suspended pending receipt of additional supporting evidence and OIOS are investigating the remainder. 

“OIOS has also informed us that its investigators had travelled to Israel for discussions with the Israeli authorities and will undertake another visit in May. These discussions are continuing and have so far been productive and have enabled progress on the investigations,” he said. 

No alternative to UNRWA 

The initial Israeli allegations prompted 16 countries to stop contributing to UNRWA, which mainly relies on donations to fund its operations across five locations in the Middle East, including Gaza.  

The agency is the largest humanitarian organization in besieged Gaza, where more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed since 7 October, according to the authorities.

This week, Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini said several donor countries “have come back”, and UNRWA has sufficient funding to keep operations running until the end of June. 

Separately, UNRWA announced a $1.2 billion appeal to meet urgent needs in Gaza and the West Bank, where violence is increasing. 

“The past months proved that there is no replacement or alternative to UNRWA,” Mr. Lazzarini said on Wednesday announcing the appeal. 



Security Council Concludes Open Debate on Role of Young Persons in Addressing Mediterranean Challenges


Security Council Concludes Open Debate on Role of Young Persons in Addressing Mediterranean Challenges

(Note:  Due to the financial liquidity crisis affecting the United Nations and the resulting constraints, this meeting was not covered.)

The Security Council met this afternoon to continue its open debate on the situation in the role of young persons in addressing security challenges in the Mediterranean.

For coverage of the first part of the debate, please see Press Release SC/15667 of 17 April.



Security Council Hears Briefings on Nord Stream Gas Pipelines


Security Council Hears Briefings on Nord Stream Gas Pipelines

(Note: The final summary of this meeting will be available at a later time.)

The Security Council met this morning on the topic of threats to international peace and security.  Briefing the Council were Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations; Oguljeren (Jerena) Niyazberdiyeva, Chief of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism; Larry C. Johnson, political commentator and expert in the field of counter-terrorism.



MIROSLAV JENČA, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations, said that the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September 2022 has sparked widespread speculation that risks further fuelling tensions among Member States.  Noting that his briefing is based “solely on information that is publicly available”, he underscored that the UN has no additional details regarding the events and is not in a position to verify or confirm claims or reports made regarding the incident.  He added that the full extent of its environmental impact, including on marine and local wildlife, is yet to be grasped.

After leaks in the pipelines were reported, the Danish, German and Swedish authorities announced the launch of separate national investigations, he recalled, pointing to their 10 July 2023 joint letter to the Council President (document S/2023/517) indicating that the leaks were caused by the use of explosives.  However, the Russian Federation expressed concern over these national investigations and called for “comprehensive and objective proceedings”.  In February 2024, the Danish and Swedish authorities informed the Council about the closure of their respective investigations.  In March 2024, Moscow reiterated its concerns, calling for an international commission to investigate the Nord Stream incidents further.

While stating that any intentional damage to critical civilian infrastructure should be condemned and investigated, he urged all actors to exercise restraint and wait for the conclusion of the remaining investigation.  He added:  “We strongly encourage Member States to continue cooperation and sharing of information to ensure the security of all international waters — including the Baltic Sea, which is critical for regional commerce, security and stability.”



четверг, 25 апреля 2024 г.

Syria crisis intensifies in shadow of Gaza war

The humanitarian situation in Syria remains dire amid escalating tensions across the Middle East.
© UNOCHA/Ali Haj Suleiman
The humanitarian situation in Syria remains dire amid escalating tensions across the Middle East.

25 April 2024

The war in Gaza continues to cast a dark shadow over the wider Middle East region, in particular Syria where a series of strikes and attacks are exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation, the UN Special Envoy for the country said on Thursday.

Briefing ambassadors on the Security Council, Geir Pedersen called for a regional de-escalation, starting with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

In addition to the regional spillover effects, he expressed deep concern over the ongoing conflict within Syria itself.

“There are in fact no signs of calm in any of Syria’s theaters – only unresolved conflicts, bubbling violence, and sharp flares of hostilities, any of which could be the kindling for a new conflagration,” he stated.

Special Envoy Pedersen briefs the Security Council.

Humanitarian situation

Highlighting the bleak humanitarian situation, Mr. Pedersen stressed the need for greater access and generous donor support to alleviate the suffering of millions.

At the same time, the economic situation remains equally troubling, with food prices doubling within the past year and the Syrian Pound witnessing a 15-fold fall in its value compared to the United States Dollar since 2020.

“The unending suffering borne by Syrians carries knock-on effects for the most vulnerable,” he continued, “many interlocutors tell my office about increasing gender-based violence, as well as negative coping mechanisms such as early marriage or women forced into prostitution.”

He said there needs to be a new and comprehensive approach to address the multifaceted challenges facing Syria, adding he remained resolute in his commitment to finding a path towards peace in Syria.

Explosive remnants of war

Echoing the dire assessment, Ramesh Rajasingham, Director of Coordination, at the UN humanitarian affairs office (OCHA), emphasized the risks facing aid workers.

In late March, a World Health Organization (WHO) staffer working on water and sanitation assistance in Deir ez-Zor, in eastern Syria, was killed when an airstrike hit his building.

The OCHA official also noted the impact of unexploded ordinance, landmines, and other such weapons on civilians.

OCHA official Ramesh Rajasingham briefs the Council on the humanitarian situation.

“Agricultural land is particularly impacted, with significant consequences for food production and livelihoods,” he said, noting that often, children form the majority of the casualties.

Deadly diseases

Mr. Rajasingham added that with the approaching summer, the risk of drought, heatwaves, cholera and other health risks will increase, amid already limited water and sanitation services.

“This will in turn increase sexual and reproductive health and protection risks for women and adolescent girls, who tend to be exposed to higher levels of gender-based violence due to lack of privacy at and around sanitation facilities, and the need to venture further to retrieve water,” he warned.


More to come

