вторник, 17 октября 2023 г.

With 4 Members in Favour, 5 Against, Security Council Rejects Russian Federation’s Resolution Calling for Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Israel-Palestine Crisis


With 4 Members in Favour, 5 Against, Security Council Rejects Russian Federation’s Resolution Calling for Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Israel-Palestine Crisis

The Security Council today failed to adopt a resolution put forth by the Russian Federation that would have called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis.

If adopted, it would have strongly condemned all violence and hostilities directed against civilians and all acts of terrorism.  By its further terms, it would also have called for the secure release of all hostages and unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance, including of food, fuel and medical treatment.

While the draft resolution received support from one other permanent Council Member — China — and three non-permanent members, including Gabon, Mozambique and the United Arab Emirates, the delegations of France, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom voted against it, and the remaining six Council members abstained from voting.

Prior to the voting, the representative of the Russian Federation described that resolution as a “purely humanitarian text,” which had garnered support from Arab Group members as well as the State of Palestine.  Stressing that without a ceasefire, humanitarian efforts will not be possible, he said the draft condemns all violence and calls for the opening up of humanitarian corridors and the safe release of all hostages.  After the text was defeated, he said Western countries have stomped on the expectations of the entire world.  Nevertheless, he said, the draft has contributed to launching a substantive discussion on this topic in the Council.

The representative of the United States said that it was the attack on Israel by Hamas that led to the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza.  While it is the Council’s responsibility to address the crisis, the proposed resolution falls short by failing to mention Hamas, she said.  Council members cannot allow the Council to shift the blame to Israel, she said, adding that her delegation could not vote for a resolution that dishonours victims.

Israel’s delegate stressed that his country needs to obliterate Hamas for its own self-preservation.  The world has kept its head in the sand as Hamas embedded its war machine under Gaza’s civilians.  But his country is on a rescue mission to “save our hostages, to save our future and the people of Gaza from their savage tyrants” he said, asking why the resolution that was not adopted does not ask Hamas to put down its arms.  Before any calls for aid or calm, he stressed, Hamas should be designated a murderous terror organization.  Further, the Council must support Israel’s right to defend itself, hold it fully responsible for what’s happening in Gaza and call for the release all hostages.

However, Riyad H. Mansour, Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine, said that killing more Palestinians will not make Israel more secure.  Palestinian lives matter, he stressed, noting that the 3,000 Palestinians killed so far in recent days are overwhelmingly civilian, more than half being women and children.  Calling for an end to the assault on Palestinians and their forced transfer from Gaza, as well as humanitarian access throughout the Gaza Strip, he pointed out that people can’t even bury their loved ones and mourn them.  Urging Council members to consider the deepening divide between the West and the Arab and Muslim World, he recalled the United Nations’ many calls to Palestinians to choose peace. At this pivotal moment, “why would this Council be unable to call for a ceasefire?” he asked.

Speaking for the Arab Group, Jordan’s delegate said the silence of the international community is dehumanizing the Gazans.  Noting that Israel’s prevention of humanitarian aid delivery is a violation of international law, he urged Member States to condemn the killing of civilian Palestinians using the same set of standards it used for Israeli civilians.  Per the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, Israel does not have the right to defend itself within the Occupied Palestinian Territory, he said, noting that a comprehensive and just peace is the only means to protect the region from the cycle of violence.

The meeting was suspended at the start at the request of the representative of the United Arab Emirates, so that the Council could conduct closed consultations on the votes.

The meeting began at 6:12 p.m. and ended at 8:50 p.m


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